Tuesday, 9 February 2010


Hi-welcome to my blog. I already blog as paperpenguin for my cardmaking but more and more sewing was creeping in! I mainly sew for my 1yr old daughter Claudie- be wanred she isn't often a willing model, she hates having her photo taken!!

She was bought a lovely spotty t-shirt with matching tights -so I made her a couple of things to wear with them from a t-shirt of mine that had a mark on it.

Leggings made from the sleeves-with red buttons on the ankles
A layered skirt with more buttons
I also threw a few buttons on a t-shirt of mine to cover a mark on it-yes the button box took a bashing today!!
Thought I'd throw in a rare photo of Claudie with her eyes open modelling a hate mummy made

Thanks for stopping by!