Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Hello kitty!

I love the latest kids otto- CJ evidently NEEDS everything thats in her size-an also wants a few of those too big for her LOL

First up though-hello kitty baby outfit for my sister's baby due in a month time #1,2,3 and a dribble bib. I'm still a little unsure on the black binding for a baby though

#12 in the same fabric-do you think she likes it ?hehehe. I love ths style, I'll be making a few more
still hello kitty (noticing a theme here?) but a different print-very hard to photograph clearly, #14 without the pintucks

and #13 magic tale hooded jacket, I really like this one

Thanks for looking!

new bathroom

Its finished!!!

This s our old bathroom-please note the trendy peach bidet and flowery tiles

After 2 weeks of very hard work by our lovely builders (and painted by dh) now transformed to this